Download lolMiner 1.46 - NVIDIA+AMD GPU Miner

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Version: 1.46
File: *lolminer.exe,
SHA256: 050b76f9135fabe9e9e4dae42db71a6ab5ce146dac446e0c001dba408626bc76
(Download for Linux)

lolMiner The new lolMiner stable version is ready.

You can download lolMiner 1.46 from here:

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Inside the archive you will find a file README.txt with installation instructions.

Make sure to replace the pool and wallet address by what you’re using in all files.

mining rig for lolminer


  • Significantly improved the Ton performance in Eth+Ton dual mining for all supported GPUs. Gain is 15-20% over the old implementation at same Eth reward - combined with new tuning some cards can be much higher (e.g. RX 580) while others optimize for more Eth hash rate (e.g. RX 5700).
  • Changed the Eth+Ton and Eth+Alephium tuning functions on AMD and all Nvidia non-LHR cards. Tuning now uses a scoring function to score resulting Eth and dual coin rewards and try to optimize this.

Note that with --maxdualimpact you still can just define the max % of Eth hashrate to give away. This will overwrite the scoring function.

  • Added experimental Eth+Alephium dual mining kernels for Pascal GPUs.
  • API now also gives the worker name on Ethash, Ton and Alephium mining.
  • Updated Web-gui.
  • Ton stratum: now using mode 2 automatically again. New whalespool server wss:// now using mode 6 automatically.


  • Fixed a bug causing connection time out (for a retry) not working properly.
  • Fixed a bug in Alephium stratum: miner did not check fail-over when primary worker name was not accepted by the pool.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to specify more fail-over pools for dual algorithm then for the primary connection.
  • Windows: fixed a bug causing dual mining (especially Eth+Alephium) freeze the card & driver on startup.
  • Fixed some minor glitches.