Download lolMiner 1.66 - NVIDIA+AMD GPU Miner

1 minute read

Version: 1.66
File: *lolminer.exe,
SHA256: a3611841d23f49ed75c62d83489d1f321e16627f35744102e510bcdecb90472f
(Download for Linux)

lolMiner The new lolMiner stable version is ready.

You can download lolMiner 1.66 from here:

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Inside the archive you will find a file README.txt with installation instructions.

Make sure to replace the pool and wallet address by what you’re using in all files.


  • Added support for mining Nexa on Nvidia Pascal or newer generation GPUs (1). Use --algo NEXA to mine it. Fee is 2%.

Note: The pool protocol supported matches the one introduced by rplant pool. That said pools tested by this version are in alphabetical order:,, and That said this list is not exclusive and every other pool following this protocol should work.

Note 2: This code is joint work with Iedoc from BzMiner and it is a refined version with approximately 20% higher speed then the code released in BzMiner v13.0.1. An updated version of BzMiner featuring the improvements of this kernel as well as the same fee level will be released soon.

(1) Primary focus in optimization were the low to medium range Nvidia Ampere GPUs. The performance of other generations may vary, but certainly improve the next versions.

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lolminer - Massive increase in Nexa hashrate and efficiency

Lolminer increases hashrate almost 30% while simoultaneously increasing efficiency while mining Nexa or Nexapow.

Overclocks I am using for 3080ti, 3080, 3070ti,3070, 3060ti - nvtool --setcoreoffset 265 --setmem 5001 --setclocks 1515

As a blockchain enthusiast, I began my journey into cryptocurrency towards the end of 2013. My first miner was an Antminer S9 that is still running today. At the end of 2020 I began GPU mining and was immediately hooked. After watching a movie called “Zeitgeist” around 2009 I became infatuated with the monetary system and the untold truth of how our government operates. Many years of seeking knowledge to further my understanding of how to get out of the “machine” has lead me to where I am today with hopes of teaching others what I have learned.


mining rig for lolminer