Download lolMiner 1.40 - NVIDIA+AMD GPU Miner

1 minute read

Version: 1.40
File: *lolminer.exe,
SHA256: 427c61fd68012bffe35746f26f933acf7dbf719152c22908cc224764a844a3b4
(Download for Linux)

lolMiner The new lolMiner stable version is ready.

You can download lolMiner 1.40 from here:

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Inside the archive you will find a file README.txt with installation instructions.

Make sure to replace the pool and wallet address by what you’re using in all files.

mining rig for lolminer


  • Improved performance of TON solvers by up to 1.5% depending on your GPU.
  • Lowered TON miner fee to 1.5% –> 1%.
  • Increased TON https mining polling interval for less server load. Also improved blocking preventing mechanisms.
  • lolMiner can now communicate with stratums using websockets. You need to start your pool address with wss:// to use this mode.
  • Significantly improved TON mining pool compatibility. Added a new parameter –ton-mode to toggle between modes.

Available modes are:

  • 0: Automatic switching depending on the pool address provided. (Default) See below for supported ones.
  • 1: ton-miner / danila miner compatible: Default on all pools that have an address starting with http:// except those mentioned below.
  • 2: websocket: Default on - this will receive new jobs via websocket.
  • 3: stratum: Default on wss:// - this will do a full stratum communication (in this case via websocket).
  • 4: compatible: Default on - this mimics the communication of tonuniverse miner v2.x.

Important note for China miners: all pools that run on websocket require SNI to be activated for their websocket connection. Therfore wss:// pools have SNI activated. Avoid these pools or on force the miner to --ton-mode 1 instead.

Further note: When having the miner in 0 mode, the different pools can be mixed in fail-over-pool configuration.


  • Fixed a bug with TON https polling causing random crashes on some machines.
  • Fixed a bug with TON: defect shares were not displayed in stats overview.
  • Fixed a bug with TON OpenCL back end: miner did trigger watchdog when a GPU was halted and waiting for work.